Is Laser Hair Removal Safe During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding?

Some may think that halting the hair removal process would reduce the effect of laser hair removal, but this is not necessarily true. Hair follicles that have been destroyed by laser treatment will never grow back their hair. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding tend to increase hair growth, but waiting until after the baby is born to start or continue treatment will not affect the results. Laser hair removal while breastfeeding is acceptable as long as it's not done on the areola or breast tissue. In the grand scheme of things, pregnancy does not last long.

This period, with all its bodily changes, should be enjoyed as much as possible while it lasts. Laser hair removal can wait until after pregnancy. We suggest waiting until you finish breastfeeding to worry about excess hair, as we can't guarantee that laser hair removal is a completely safe hair removal method. However, if you want to remove extra hair during this time, we recommend that you use temporary hair removal methods in the meantime, such as shaving and waxing. Once you've had the baby, you can begin laser hair removal treatments.

For clients who choose to breastfeed, it is recommended that they wait 6 months from the time they stop breastfeeding to resume laser treatments. This allows your hormones to return to normal. In addition, laser treatments during breastfeeding can alter melanin production in the body and cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Anesthetic creams, such as topical anesthetics, that are applied to relieve pain after the laser procedure can enter the milk through the bloodstream. It's best to postpone laser skin treatments until you've stopped breastfeeding.

Most would consider that a nursing parent undergoing a laser hair removal procedure poses a low risk to the baby. It's common for pregnant women to experience excessive hair growth in unwanted areas and, of course, to want to remove it. Because of these changes, women often want laser hair removal or skin treatments during these times. Although the risk of laser hair removal treatments is low, it is recommended to be careful when selecting a method to control pain. But is laser hair removal safe during pregnancy? What effects can laser treatment have on the body and, most importantly, on the baby?If you're trying to get pregnant, consult with your doctor before starting laser hair removal treatments.

Laser hair removal is safe, but there are currently no long-term studies looking at the effects of laser hair treatment on the fetus. So, while babies can drink breast milk after their parents have undergone laser hair removal, parents may choose to delay laser treatment for other reasons. When it comes to laser hair removal, there are different types of lasers that penetrate hair and skin pigment at slightly different levels. If you are accustomed to laser hair removal and you paused hair removal sessions during pregnancy, you may now wonder if it's okay to continue breastfeeding. Since then, no study has shown that laser skin or hair procedures are unsafe for pregnant or non-pregnant women.

To tell you the truth, it's not known how safe laser hair removal is during pregnancy, and there are conflicting ideas about whether it's safe. Some health professionals say it's safe until the third trimester, and other medical professionals don't recommend it.